Tired of that funny rendering jumpiness when your screen is painting on threads/posts that are full of smilies? There's a simple hack to set the size of those so that rendering goes much more quickly....
In functions.php, look for the function called bbcodeparse2(). Look for the lines:
PHP Code:
while ($smilie=$DB_site->fetch_array($smilies)) {
if(trim($smilie[smilietext])!="") {
$bbcode=str_replace(trim($smilie[smilietext]),"<img src=\"$smilie[smiliepath]\" border=0>",$bbcode);
... and change it to:
PHP Code:
while ($smilie=$DB_site->fetch_array($smilies)) {
if(trim($smilie[smilietext])!="") {
$smilie_size = getimagesize($smilie[smiliepath]);
$bbcode=str_replace(trim($smilie[smilietext]),"<img src=\"$smilie[smiliepath]\" border=0 width=\"$smilie_size[0]\" height=\"$smilie_size[1]\">",$bbcode);
Now when your smilies are displayed, you'll have the width and height already fixed for you. When you resize your smilie, it'll automatically be resized where it's used!