Originally Posted by CrazyLady
ok, I opened a test shop with ONE item, and the page loaded with the item, great! Now I adjusted the shop.php back with my regular cafe press shop, which has 29 items so far, and nothing showed between the header and footer. Could the amount of items not be compatible with your mod? Could the fact that my store was created a long time ago have anything to do with it? thanx
Items should not have an affect on this-
we had over 300 items at 1 time using this same code on phpbb.
did you get this fixed?
i put your store name in my shop.php and works great
your shop.php should look like this
$start = '<!-- Start Main Content -->';
$end = '<!-- End Content, Start Footer Include -->';
$stores = 'yourlincolnpark'; //EDIT THIS VARIABLE TO BE A LIST OF YOUR STORES
$url = 'http://www.cafepress.com/';
$item = $_GET['item'];
worked both in IE in Firefox, so it's something you did not copy and paste on the install