Originally Posted by cmiller1014
Unfortunately the person who made that fix didnt post it publically and they never got back to me.
Hi Chris, If you're talking about me, I have communicated with you directly several times and sent the file with commbull "upcoming events" fixes to you at least twice:
- Our first contact was in April when you didn't provide me an email address to send the file
- After I got your address and re-sent the file, you were having problems with your email system. You wrote that your email system trashed the file, but you replied to me using an HTML client.
- I re-sent in plain text anyway I sent the file to you sent it to you twice and if I recall correctly, you kept losing it.
I really don't mind trying to help people but this is exactly why I don't want to post mods in a thread like this. Your message above might give the impression that I was nonresponsive to your request and that simply isn't the case.
Please let me know by PM if you need the file again, or a gmail invite to get a properly working email client, which is the suggestion I made when we last communicated.
Best regards,