Originally Posted by gio~logist
It looks like there are un-needed \'s in your code.
For example:
HTML Code:
<table cellpadding=\"860\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" class=\"tborder\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\">
<td> <table cellpadding=\"6\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">
<tr align=\"center\">
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<span class=\"smallfont\"><b>Logged in</b> as</span></td>
<td class=\"thead\" width=\"40%\"><span class=\"smallfont\"><b>Welcome</b> to the <b>Arcade</b>!</span></td>
<td class=\"thead\" width=\"40%\"><span class=\"smallfont\">Arcade <b>News & Events</b></span></td>
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<td class=\"alt1\" width=\"20%\" valign=\"middle\">
All of the \'s before the " tag shouldn't be there.