Originally Posted by Buck Satan
After Also, I noticed that if you modify a news item from the past (say last week, for example), and check the vBComment box, it creates a vBulletin thread with the current date and time instead of the date and time that the news item was actually created. Any ideas how I could force vBulletin to pull the date and time from Coranto so that all news items would be chronologically listed?
That behaviour is coded into the Addon with a comment that reads as though it's been changed to current time to get round a problem - maybe vB didn't like some of the times being posted to it? Does vB accept future times (as would be provided by Coranto if the ChangeDateNew addon were used as well as vBComments)?
Originally Posted by Buck Satan
But there has to be a way to somehow "turn on" vBComment's vBulletin thread creation automatically for all posts and then do a Full Rebuild in Coranto - thus forcing every single news item to be created in vBulletin. Anyone have any idea how this could be done?
I'm sure it's possible but not with vB comments - that functions on Submit News/Modify News, not Build News.
Basically, you'd need a new Addon.