For some reason I get the error listed below whenever I try and add someone as a buddy through my usercp. I have set "send private message" to on as you can obviously see, yet I can't seem to find the problem. Any suggestions? :ermm:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: sendprivatemessage() in /home/content/L/9/I/L9IAnime/html/forums/profile.php on line 503
PHP Code:
if ($userid = $DB_site->query_first("
SELECT userid, username, usergroupid, membergroupids
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user
WHERE username = '$val'
$useridcache["$val"] = $userid;
// Start vBBuddies (Edit by: Lucas)
$frombuddyname = $bbuserinfo['username'];
$frombuddyid = $bbuserinfo['userid'];
$tobuddyname = $userid['username'];
$tobuddyid = $userid['userid'];
eval(fetch_email_phrases('buddies_autopmrequest', iif(isset($newpost_lang["$toemail"]), $newpost_lang["$toemail"], 0)));
$message = convert_url_to_bbcode($message);
sendprivatemessage ($userid, $message, $subject);
// End vBBuddies (Edit by: Lucas)
And also is there anyway for the "View Buddies" to automatically grab up the users profile rather than having to type it in?