Originally Posted by twoseven
thing is if you cant look back retrospectivly have you learned anything? sounds like someone is ashamed of their past. yes in life i regret doing some things but i dont try to move on and sweep them under the rug, i face them like a man and i'm honest about what happened. i did the dishonest thing for awhile but couldnt sleep at night now i'm honest. and boy does it make life alot easier
Sometimes when people focus on the past they get angry and it blind them from their true hopes, dreams, and passion.
I have lived the past once and suffered the consequences of my actions and now its time to move on.
Gotta live in the tomorrow. Thats the problem with a lot of people these days, they dont think about the future because they are too busy thinking about the now or the past.
Originally Posted by KevinL
Very well put 
Originally Posted by KirbyDE
My Life is more or less a waste of Time.
Its only a waste of time when your not doing anything to make it better.
Self pity and hate will only further inpair your judgement.