Originally Posted by A.Ah
first of all deepest condolecences to people who lost thier loved ones or were injured on the attacks..
now to The Geek: Last time i checked Britain was fighting a war, an illegitimate war..so this attack can be just a counter-attack from there...so i guess you can tell the mothers in iraq...
It is sad that situations like these happen but always remember there is always a cause and an effect...
I have to sadly agree with A.Ah that this is definitely something that has been spurred by Britain's involvement in Iraq, though I don't believe that anyone can say that this is a justified way to counter-attack.
Also, before there is talk of retalliation, A.Ah does bring up a good point that the number of civilian casualties in Iraq has not been reported properly.
STILL, I think it's completely inappropriate to imply in any way that these innocent civilians deserved to die because their countries are embroiled in something which is beyond civilian control.
Again, I express my deepest condolences to everyone in London whether they've had families directly or indirectly affected.
- Sid