Originally Posted by A.Ah
first of all deepest condolecences to people who lost thier loved ones or were injured on the attacks..
now to The Geek: Last time i checked Britain was fighting a war, an illegitimate war..so this attack can be just a counter-attack from there...so i guess you can tell the mothers in iraq...
It is sad that situations like these happen but always remember there is always a cause and an effect...
Oh yea like we were fighting a war when we woke up on 9/11 and saw 3000 people lose their lives.
Oh and I thought you guys had come to the conclusion that Al Quida and Iraq had nothing to do with each other so why would they care about a war that, by what you say, means nothing to them because they are not associated with them.
Don't bring politics into this crap alright?
They can take their cause and effect and shove it up their ass. This is not an illegitimate war, THAT IS YOUR OPINION.
Afghanastan would be the Country they would be associated with and if you tell me that was illigitimate I am going to go off.