There's no mobiles, no transport or anything in London at all atm...
One of my Mum's friends is in London today, and we have heard no news from her at all - We don't know if she's alive or dead, safe or hurt or what...
My cousin was meant to be going to london today as well - He took the train from Wellingborough to Kings Cross, but luckily he stopped in Luton at about 8:30 to collect some things from his work - On his way back to the station he was told about the explosions, so now he is back at work watching the news... He would have almost certainly been involved in the explosion area had he not forgotten some things he needed, and it's likely that the very people he may have been sitting next to on the train this morning were...
Alot of my close family lives in London, and we have heard nothing from any of them
I'm quite worried