Originally Posted by BrentWilson
Oh really? Yea... understatement of the year!
1896- Athens
1900- Paris
1904- St. Louis
1908- London
1912- Stockhom
1920- Antwerp
1924- Paris
1928- Amsterdam
1932- Los Angeles
1936- Berlin
1948- London
1952- Helsinki
1956- Melbourne
1960- Rome
1964- Tokyo
1968- Mexico City
1972- Munich
1976- Montreal
1980- Moscow
1984- Los Angeles
1988- Seoul
1992- Barcelona
1996- Atlanta
2000- Sydney
2004- Athens
2008- Beijing
2012- London
There's something off with that list, I know for a fact that Lillehammer, Norway had the Winter Olympics in 1994. Or are you talking about something else? :ermm: