Originally Posted by jugo
This is sweet....Gonna see if I come up with some funky "alien Petz.
TUTORIAL: CREATING NEW PETS.... (using photoshop)
- Open a file from the directory: \images\petz\happiness
for example
80.gif to use as template
- Change the file mode to RGB: in the menu
Image > Mode > RGB
- Create a new Layer (transparent) to use as background
- Create a blank layer (white) to draw the pet
- Arrange the layers this way: On top-> Smile Template, In the middle->White layer , On Background: Transparent layer
- Lock the top and bottom layers to draw only in the white layer
- Using the smile as reference, start drawing the head of the pet
- You can draw 5 or 10 stages of the pet: (baby, teen, middle, adult-weak, adult-strong, ...etc and level-100)
* Use the pencil tool in the smaller size to draw
* Use a strong color (as green) to fill the areas that will be transparent
and that will be replaced with the user custom color
* Select the green zones and press Del (delete) to make that zone transparent
* You can switch the smile layer visible/non-visible as you want
* You can test the result image making visible the smile layer
and filling the backgroung layer with any color (try with black and/or blue)
then make it transparent again
- When you finish and you're satisfied with the image,
hide the smile layer (turn it no-visible) and save the gif file with the menu:
File > Save for the Web...
- Repeat the procedure for the different stages of the pet
- Rename the files this way: baby->1.gif , teen->10.gif, middle->20.gif, etc
that way the pet will grow/evolve each 10 levels
- Fill the missing levels by copying the main stage, for example,
copy the baby stage "1.gif" and create the files 2.gif, 3.gif, 4.gif,....up to 9.gif
Copy the middle stage "50.gif" and create the files 51.gif, 52.gif,...up to 59.gif
- Upload the files in a new folder (increase the number) and remember this number since it will be the
TYPE number of your pet
- Create the installation Query using the template:
INSERT INTO `petz_default` ( `ID` , `NAME` , `DCRP` , `TYPE` , `MHP` , `STR` , `DEF` , `AGI` , `SPECIAL`)
'', 'Monkey', 'Cute but strong in battle', 'TYPE_Number', '100', '35', '30', '35', 'Mega Punch');
and replace the
red values as you want
You're done!...
i hope to see your tests soon...
Try with a snake, donkey, another type of dog, cat, mouse, lion, frog,
wasp, bee, alien, bat, bear, scorpion, a fish....