After a lot more work than I expected :speechless:, I was able to modify this so that it works with 3.5 Beta 3.
What I did:
- Replace $DB_site with $db in gateway.php, nntp_groups.php, nntp_settings.php, and functions_nntp.php.
- In those same files, replace all instances of globalize( with $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc( ; and the tricky part: alter $_GET, $_POST, and $_REQUEST parameter inputs within clean_array_gpc to 'g', 'p', and 'r' respectively; and change the variable calls from $variablename to $vbulletin->GPC['variablename'].
Note that altering nntp_groups.php isn't entirely necessary, as the nttp_groups table can be directly modified via phpMyAdmin.
In nntp_settings.php the affected lines (in terms of the original line numbers) are around lines 92, 107, 141, 192, and 223. In nntp_groups.php the lines are around 324, 336, 368, 414, and 451.
Rather than replace all variable instances with $vbulletin->GPC['...'] calls, I just set new variables with the same names as the old ones, using $vBulletin->GPC['...']. e.g., add the line
$ngid = $vBulletin->GPC['ngid'] right after the clean_array_gpc call; the variable $ngid can then be used the same as before.
One thing that gave me a bit of trouble was line 241 (in my modified file, line 263) of nntp_groups.php. In this line
$group[?forum?] must be changed to
?forum?. Otherwise the form variable name comes up as ?0? on the post form, rather than ?forum?; and thus the table update doesn't work.
Note that I made a change to gateway.php line 71, and I'm not sure if it was complete; this would affect the 'log' and 'debug' variables, but those don't seem to be used anywhere that I could find.
The 4 files that were changed (nntp_groups.php, nntp_settings.php, gateway.php, and functions_nntp.php) are attached in .zip format. Note that I
did not test thoroughly, so "Use at your own risk" warnings apply!
To add a menu item in the admin control panel, copy the file "cpnav_nntp_gateway.xml" to the /includes/xml directory.