Well, it's still not working. I've seen the Accordian BBCode before, it's cool, but this BBCode works the best, in my opinion... plus it's like extra super-special cool. I just wish I could get it to work. I've rechecked the BBCode replacements, they're correct... I'm putting the provided code at the bottom of my vbulletin_global.js file.
tds[i].origclass = tds[i].className;
tds[i].swapclass = iif(tds[i].className == "alt1Active", "alt2Active", "alt1Active");
tds[i].onmouseover = activecells_mouseover;
tds[i].onmouseout = activecells_mouseout;
tds[i].onclick = activecells_click;
function jump(a){var b=document.getElementById(a);if(b){var c=b.offsetTop;while(b.offsetParent){c=c+b.offsetParent.offsetTop;b=b.offsetParen t;}var d=document.documentElement;var e;if(c<d.scrollTop){e=-1;}else{e=1;}while(c!==d.scrollTop){scroll(0,d.scrollTop+Math.pow(Math.abs(c-d.scrollTop),1/3)*e);}}else{alert("Jump Error: '"+a+"' does not exist");}}
|| ####################################################################
|| # Downloaded: 15:34, Wed May 4th 2005
|| # CVS: $RCSfile: vbulletin_global.js,v $ - $Revision: 1.89 $
|| ####################################################################
I've cleared my cache... for all intents and purposes this BBCode should be working... but for whatever reason, it's not. Could you have perhaps mistyped or mispasted the Javascript code in the above instructions?
By the way, I've noticed that when I place the Javascript code into the .js file, some things on my Forum mess up. Like I cannot type in the New Reply box and I cannot click on a drop-down menu.