Originally Posted by Zachery
You could lose one with the avatar code, if you do some searching theres some nifty feature to get it without any extra work
Further more, you should not really run the ammount of new posts and threads on EVERY PAGELOAD, thats alot of overhead, for a small bit of information, also, without indecies on the tables, its going to be rather intensive in the long run.
You could Cache the ammount of newly registered users today and the ammount of users visiting online in some sort of datacache
If you are talking about the $vbulletin->userinfo that is included with the vB, it won't work if the user has a custom avatar...already looked into that...if you know of one, could you point me in the right direction, I would love to call the AV without having to query the DB if it's already done for me.
As far as the overhead on the others, it's actually as minimalistic as I can get it at this point, I tried merging them into 1 query and only resulted in gaining more overhead, but until I figure out just how the datamanager truly works, I'm stuck here at this point.
I'm going to look into the caching of the new users and visited users, but for now this is what we have....
If you can point me in the right directions, I am willing to follow, we are all here to learn right?