Not to be rude, but what part of the following statements did you miss?
Originally Posted by Cloudrunner in post#414
...<snip>...If you edit the actual transaction details then Paypal will not provide support...<snip>...
Originally Posted by Cloudrunner in post#395
...<snip>...As of this point forward, support will not be offered for this version of the donations system so that I can focus on the 3.5 version...<snip>...
Here's the deal boss, the total amount collected displays off of the transactions received from paypal.
That table I have left purposefully unable to be edited via the AdminCP so that YOU, the end user, will still be able to call Paypal and get support from them concerning rogue transactions should any arise without having to worry about whether this edit or that edit changed something in the transaction that will cause Paypal to negate your claim. I will not change that.
If this creates a problem for you then simply turn that part off in your donation settings...I knew someone would +++++ about that functionality of the system, which is WHY I added the switch there to be able to turn that off...(the setting that you are looking for in this case is titled "Show Cumulative Total?")
Now as for my previous statements, let me be clear on this, I will address true MAJOR bugs (ie. bugs that concern security of the forum, database, or transaction communications), but as I am no longer supporting THIS VERSION of the modification, I am not doing ANY enhancements to it. If you wish to do so, feel free to do it, I've attached the manual for how to get your server and paypal to talk.
My only requirement is that if you use any of the code you leave the comments on every file intact.
Good day