LOL @ amykhar

Is this called revence? :P
No it can't, it needs a modification to class_bbcode.php.
For the PDF generation it needs different template for
the quote, php, html & code block.
There are no hooks at that locations
Although, it could be done WITHOUT the class_bbcode.php modification!
In that case you need to replace your templates of bbcode_html_printthread, bbcode_code_printthread, bbcode_php_printthread & bbcode_html_printthread with the ones of the PDF thread.
than open pdfthread.php in your favorite editor and search for:
$bbcode_parser->pdfthread = true;
replace it with:
$bbcode_parser->printthread = true;
There it is, a download as pdf without any code modifications...
(Only the look of your printthread will change and might need some further template modifications)