Originally Posted by Brad.loo
I agree on-demand is great. But sadly there is no such thing over directv. I'm growing tired of directv, the compression is awful on standard ratio now. Honestly when I notice more blockiness on my directv then I see on the latest fansub it makes you wonder why my dad spends so much money every month on it, I know I wouldn't!
Point is I'm sick of ad's, they're everywhere, mocking me at every turn. Heres how it should be....When I turn on the radio I should hear music, not some ad with the idiot at the end that says the legal info so quick you couldn't make it out if you tried. When I turn on my tv I want to see whatever I'm trying to watch, not the latest achivement by tampax.
I swear is I see one more commercial from tampons and/or that time of the month products I'm going to load of the shotgun and put the old tv down. All of them are the same, they start out with some women or group of women disscussing nothing of importance then one of them goes 'I'm on my peroid!' and her friend always replies 'omg don't you have cramps and bloating!?'.
Come to think of it I am sick of commercials for pills that give men boners. Like anyone cares who Bob is and why he can't wipe that grin off his face, his wife is scary and is probbly the reason why Bob had a problem in the first place. Then there are the 'spin-off' boner pills that always have a dude in his early 20's in the commercial but we all know no one under 40 is ever going to take said pill.
One last thing, if you ever see the guy that is in the subway commercials give him a punch in the face for me. I'll send you $20 if you can provide a picture as proof!
I'll find his address and go punch him in the face
I shall then recieve $20 with which I will buy an axe and re-arrange his facial features so he has "Owned by vB.org" engraved into his skull