I will send you an email of my beliefs, but I say that there is only one god. I do not know this god, what he looks like, if he is human, if he is christian or anything else. I believe he is never walked on this earth, never will. I believe he made our galaxy, solar system, universe, and whatever is farther out. I doubt that all of these things could "just happen" I think people use god as a crutch, something to believe in when times get rough. I also think the all major religions believe in the same god. they have just passed down different versions. I also think that god has been used to extort money from the weak. Such as happened in the past such as Egyptians, Catholics, and almost every other religion that has been around for a long time. So my opinion is that someone or something bigger than all of us has to exist, but what many people believe isn't necessarily right either.