Ok, I found the answer to #1 and a lot of other user's questions. Here's what I did to get the 2 PM's to work. (it may be redundant or the roundabout way, but given my lack of programming skill, it works and wasn't hard).
In your form.php find:
//ENABLE FORM TO BE PMED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formpm = "1";
$formpmid = "whateveridyouhavehere";
Make this change:
$formpmid = "whateveridyouhavehere";
$formpmid2 = "$bbuserinfo[userid]"
That's if you want it PM'd to the submitter. If not, put whoever's userid you want it to go to. Repeat as many times as necessary (next one would be pmid3, etc).
Then scroll down and find in the bottom area:
if ($formpm == "1") {
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pmtext\n\t(fromuserid, fromusername, title, message, touserarray, iconid, dateline, showsignature)\nVALUES\n\t($bbuserinfo[userid], '" . addslashes($bbuserinfo['username']) . "', '".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($formtitle))."', '".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($formsend))."', '" . addslashes(serialize($tostring)) . "', 0, " . TIMENOW . ", 1)");
$pmtextid = $DB_site->insert_id();
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pm (pmtextid, userid, messageread) VALUES ($pmtextid, $formpmid, 0)");
$DB_site->shutdown_query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user SET pmtotal=pmtotal+1, pmunread=pmunread+1 WHERE userid = $formpmid");
What I did is copy this entire section of code, repaste it below where it is and change the 2 bolded area:
if ($formpm == "1") {
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pmtext\n\t(fromuserid, fromusername, title, message, touserarray, iconid, dateline, showsignature)\nVALUES\n\t($bbuserinfo[userid], '" . addslashes($bbuserinfo['username']) . "', '".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($formtitle))."', '".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($formsend))."', '" . addslashes(serialize($tostring)) . "', 0, " . TIMENOW . ", 1)");
$pmtextid = $DB_site->insert_id();
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pm (pmtextid, userid, messageread) VALUES ($pmtextid, $formpmid2, 0)");
$DB_site->shutdown_query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user SET pmtotal=pmtotal+1, pmunread=pmunread+1 WHERE userid = $formpmid2");
It worked for me and sent a PM of the answers to me and the person who submitted it. Hope this helps.