Originally Posted by Michael Morris
Add this line in the if statement directly after the forum id of your recycle bin.
$_POST['method'] = 'move';
Hence the whole if statement should read something like this...
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'archive')
$_POST['do'] = 'domovethread';
$_POST['forumid'] = '52';
$_POST['method'] = 'move';
Thanks for pointing this out. I don't necessarily want redirects either but I didn't bother to check to see whether or not they were being left.
Thanks for making this great hack...
Following on from the above... I have the same (IE a trash can)... However instead of moving the thread there I want the thread to be deleted and then moved all in that one click... The reason for this is that i want a reason to be left as to why its been deleted.
- Unwanted thread
- Select move (delete) to Trash Can
- Next page, you enter reason and leave it as soft delete and click submit
- THEN it kicks in and moves it to the trash, without leaving redirect (<-- Just like yours does now)
Is this possible or am i trying to make it work to hard??
- Your help on this would be very much appreciated.