We would like to make it clear that the publisher who owns the rights to popcorn approached us, together with the music label 'Mach 1' with the idea of creating a remix of popcorn featuring The Crazy Frog. Since the success of Crazy Frog - Axel F, we have been approached by a number of legitimate music publishers suggesting that we mix the Crazy Frog with music from their back catalogue. I am afraid that this is neither as unique nor as original an idea as you may have believed and the legitimate owners of the music themselves contacted us to offer us the rights to the music.
I have had a look at your site and think it is extremely good. It must have been expensive to procure the rights from Dom Jolly to show a clip from 'Trigger Happy TV' on your site but it really adds a depth and quality to the experience.
If you have any original material to which you own the rights and that you would like to submit to us then we are very open to working with you if we feel that it has the potential for success. Otherwise I trust that this now resolves that matter.
Many thanks,
Robert Swift
UK Marketing Manager