I have actually been planning on putting up a dontation button with this release. I always tried to avoid it as I dont do this for donations - I do it because the macks I release are ones I use and if it hleps the community - then cool - so be it. However Im over it now

If someone wants to donate - they will be able to with the next release
Most of the admincp is now complete. The installer is now done. I even phrased the damn thing now. Only thing thats missing is the test option, the stats option, and some fine tuning to bring it all together.
I am testing it and tweaking - Tuesday is looking to be the day (hell - maybe even tonight if I get really lucky).
Div - If I understand you right then yes. Basically the new system allows you to use a template as an ad. Meaning you can have 1 or 1,000 templates containg anything from HTML to BBcode to Iframes, whatever - and then set a flag to say thats your ad.