Progress update
o so close.
Sorry guys - I have just ran out of time today. Was planning on winding up a package today - but the sun actually came out in England (which is a rarity on a weekend) and I had some family obligations to attend to. Therefore I didnt get as much time into it as I was hoping too.
The good news is that aside from the stats viewer (which I will wait to release until the following RC) - I am 98% done with everything (code and admincp).
I have another couple hours backend coding, then I need to write the installer/upgrader, and a readme. All things said and done I am looking at about 5 more hours or so (not bad considering im well into 60 hours+ for this).
Anyhooo - release could come damn near at any time (except for tonight that is! Im going to bed).
Realistically - look Tues or Wed