Originally Posted by dave kaye
Hi Paul
Thanks, what about the mod the you have done to deny/allow access for usergroups, where is the admin to confiqure this.
There isn't any - you have to edit this section of the CMS file ;
PHP Code:
// Set Allowed groups
if (in_array(2,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_USER;
if (in_array(7,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_USER;
//Set Staff groups
if (in_array(5,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_ADMIN;
if (in_array(6,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_ADMIN;
//Set Banned groups
if (in_array(8,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_NOBODY;
if (in_array(9,$groups)) $userrole = ROLE_NOBODY;
Each number is the vB usergroup number (i.e. 6 = admin group).