same "Could not find phrase 'GAS_settings_saved'." error here hehe
well, i found another "bug". You need to create the "gab" DIR on your forums root and chmod it to 777 so uploaded banners can be stored.
I also tryed to manually add the GAB_settings_saved and nothing worked. There is a GAS_settings_saved phrase that came on screen once, dont know what i did before i saw it, but it seems to be written wrong on some part of the script.
Finally, the $GAB_ad1 is not installed when you run the complete v2beta installer, so i had to go to my templates and put it there.
After all this I have said, Geek Advertising Banner works like a charm! (Those phrases errors still apear, but doesnt seem to affect the script).
I hope I could help you out a little The Geek, thanks for this hack.