Originally Posted by bluesteel
Hi Erwin,
Great hack! Very flexible and just what I was looking for. Thanks!
I have a question for either your good self, or anyone else who might like to reply.
Is there a line of code or something that I can add to the form.php file that puts the new thread in the ACP Thread Moderation queue? I have the specific forum that the new thread is created in set for new Threads to be Moderated, but the form.php ignores this and posts.
If you know what I mean! :squareeyed:
Thanks in advance for any help that may be forthcoming guys.
This is exactly what I need to do. I have a forum that I'd like new threads posted to go into moderation when they are posted through this form. I've tried setting the visible value to 0 which gets pushed to both post and thread, but that was no help.