Lots of people's installers have problems and such, but the installer I am making will be - flawless.
I attached an image of part of the MySQL installer/manager for vBDownloads 3.0. Templates, phrases, hooks, and files also have similar installers.
So what are you looking at in that image? It is a display of the mysql tables and columns. Rows that should be there but have an inproper format are yellow, rows that should not be there are red, and rows that need to be added are green. In order to change a row, you click on it - and it is done!
I think this will help cut down on some errors with upgrading etc because everything to instal can be done in one step (or two). Just run the installer from the admincp and the rest of the work is done for you. If you have errors, you can easily solve them in a graphic environment rather than figuring out how to modify the mysql tables/templates/phrases on your own.
Though the hack is done, im having a lot of fun making the installer and I dont wanna release an update without the installer.