When adding "modifications" (hacks) is the process similar to phpBB? If not, is it easy to pick up? Is there any "examples" to get an idea of the process?
The basic php hacking is the same, the main differnce between the two is styles/templates are handled via the admin cp. The best examples are the hacks/template modifications posted here.
Originally Posted by KidneyBoy
I'm reading about v3.5 and the "plugin" system, which everyone seems to say is simple, but can you still install "hacks" for 3.0.X on it as well? From what I could see here, there's not a heckuva lot of modifications for 3.5.0 Beta X available yet.
'Plug-ins' are installed by uploading a .xml in the admincp, it really does not get any simpler than that, and yes you can do 'old school file modifications'. The reason there are not many hacks for 3.5 yet is because it is a beta version, and was just released to the public not to long ago.