i love animated buttons...and sorry for not reponding to you all right away, and do appreciate the gestures....if you have basic knowledge of animation graphics , it really isnt that hard to make you own buttons...in fact i have grabbed some buttons from the web or found animations i liked and did some minor editing the used them as icons or buttons...now i think vbulletin and most others do not really getinto the naimated part a whole lot due to the fact of site speeds...some graphics or animations may in fact be a lil large and slow th esite down....but yes animated buttons are cool, and do hope to see more from the GREAT animators of these sites, of which whhom develop alot of the skins and such, get into it a lil more...dont get me wrong...i have been more than satisfied with everyhting that is offered from all of the sites...take care alland illl try to get you all some more animted icons..in fact, i have a whole pack of labyrinth box type of icons that i could post fo rall of you.....actully made them myself....found some free animations and/or graphics and did some editing up.....ill post them soon and see what you all think...