Thanx KW802 for the heads up, yup i agree the original style was a bind to implement with other hacks etc, anyways thanx, i have a more informed insight now
The New HW skin will be released soon, but i'm toying with the idea of creating more skins and a site to host/display and sell my skinwares, thus my revised HW (lite) i may begin with to start the whole ball rolling with. I have a pro setup for selling my skins via CCard,Paypal&NoChex just haven't implemented them yet, i have a few other skins to start up with also, plus i'll need a place to consolidate all my other wares, like skins for Photopost PRO, Coppermine, Invision Power Board (1.3 & 2.0) etc...
Plus i'll do custom jobs, i have a great idea for an interface for people to use to design their own bog-standard VB skin live online, with information fields for you to enter what you need etc, just click send and i'll do the rest (with a little consultation from the customer of course)
I don't wanna be just another skinning site, gonne be more than that...
But what do you guys think? - this will be a virgin project for me, and i'm here to listen to any ideas you have on such sites, like pricing, design...anything, tell me the things that bug you about sites like these (if you use them?) anything you really like?
In the end, i'm not in this for money, far from it.. i enjoy what i'm doing and to get a little remuneration to offset hosting costs and the like the better.
But i wanna start off well, (as best as i can) - so a little feedback now would be a boon, ideas, suggestions, fears

whatever... lemme know.
When i get this all started, i'll host the original HW skin for free from my place, but i'll goto town on the HW(v2) skin
anyways, ova to u...