Originally Posted by Mirical Bernd
I haven't installed 3.0.1 yet - our son was born one week ago. But I will install it asap and post the new code
Hi, Mirical Bernd! I hope things have been going well with your son!
Aside from seeing how you're doing, I thought that I would resurrect this topic, since we last discussed it in April.
I still am interested in making sure that the Breadcrumb code I use at the bottom is the most recent code - although at this point, we're talking about vBulletin 3.0.3, of course.
Out of curiosity, and in order to save you time and effort (if not now, than in the future certainly) - is there a section in one of the templates that you're pulling the Breadcrumb code from?
If so, than if you could point me in the right direction, I can save you the trouble of installing vB 3.0.3, if you haven't done it already - and I won't have to trouble you again the next time that vB updates to a new version.
Thanks again, and I hope you're enjoying your sleepless nights!