I need to make a couple changes to this style or is it template ? I'm still new to this and am pretty confused.
1) I want to lose the purple header and replace with our logo in the center, but I don't see
where to do that. I don't see an image name for that purple header. Will this also delete the buttons nested in it ?
2) I also want to change the color of those buttons away from purple and towards some
more earthtone color to match the rest of our site.
3) I would also like to try adding our current site nav buttons outside the left side of the VB table, to see how it works. I might want to undo that though. Here are links to the VB as it's set now and to our homepage for button and logo reference.
As I said I'm still a real beginner at this. One thing that would also be helpful is a guide that clarifies which portion of which VB page is actually controlled by which template. Terms like Postbit are still quite foreign.
Also in HTML pages I'm acustomed to being able to make a copy page and edit that till it's right then rename it to put it on line. How can I do that in VB so I don't make an error I can't reverse ?
Thanks in advance