Originally Posted by iHCF
like tony said, you are not the only professional designer, i consider myself a professional designer, and would never think of charging a cent over $75 for a logo, money has no say in whether you are professional or not, its the quality of your work.
True. Money isn't the determining factor. But the quality if work is. If you are creating good quality of work you're probably spending more than 30 hours on the project. You must to create something as intricate as a logotype. So.. let's see... 30 hours... for a final cost of $75 equates to $2.50 and hour. Again.. those are not professional rates. That's not even minimum wage in any state. Honestly, the only way I could EVER see $75 being justified is if you are a starting designer and created the logo in under an hour, maybe two hours. And if you are indeed a starting designer creating logos in less than two hours, the quality is not good. It simply can't be. Sure it may be a pretty picture but not a logo.
For the record, I mean "professional" in the terms that you make your living, put food on the table, pay your bills, and self-promote all with the income generated from your design work either as freelance or under the employment of someone else. Simply getting $50 to make an image for someone does not classify anyone as a professional. Hobbyists can make money on their hobby without being professionals.