I'm sorry. I simply disagree. I understand this community won't bear real pricing. That's fine and not a problem. I don't mean to indicate that there aren't other professionals here either or that I'm the only one. However, a logo is one's calling card to the world regardless of whether it's for a forum or not. A logo is a logo is a logo. Rest assured I won't be forcing my prices on anyone in the vBulletin community. I was just curious, as the thread topic indicates. And I'm not trying to demean anyone who is working so cheap. That is their choice. However the Graphics Artists Guild and AIGA would be really displeased with a designer creating logos for $50. It devalues the entire profession as a whole. This is completely regardless of what the forum software costs. No logo is used for ONLY the forum. Arguing that your prices need to be lower because of what the client has already spent.. is.. well.... silly. My gas prices aren't lower because I spend $15,000 on a new car.
I do understand the entire "editing a forum" argument where a style is concerned. And somewhat agree with it. I could see a couple hundred dollars to simply alter buttons.
I wasn't trying to be so contoversial.