Fix for the maximages problem
Note that just increasing the maximum number of images in Admin CP is not a good solution because if someone wants to put lots of quotes in their posts, they will hit the maximum - each quote has a minimum of 5 images. 10 quotes would be 50 images.
A better solution is to do this:
In the BBCode section for both Simple and Username Quotes, find in the HTML every instance of:
<img SRC="images/quotes
And replace with:
<img WIDTH="15" SRC="images/quotes
and delete the second occurance of WIDTH="15" in each of the img tag.
You do this 5 times in the Simple Quote, and 7 times (I think) in the Quote with Username.
Then, you need to do some hacking - apologies if this is not allowed - it's only a minor hack.
In includes/functions_newpost.php, find:
PHP Code:
fetch_character_count(parse_bbcode($post['message'], $foruminfo['forumid'], $post['enablesmilies']), '<img') > $vboptions['maximages'])
Replace with:
PHP Code:
fetch_character_count(parse_bbcode($post['message'], $foruminfo['forumid'], $post['enablesmilies']), '<img src') > $vboptions['maximages'])
That should do it. The quoting images will now NOT be counted as an image in posts. Smilies and other images will still be counted as usual.