Originally Posted by Zachery
Im not going to aruge but sortware piracy is breaking the EULA
Discussion on it, and about it is probaly ok, but once you start linking to warez sites, how to get warez and other such stuff then im fairly sure you would be breaking your agrement with Jelsoft.
Isn't that what i allready said?
Originally Posted by []\[]emesis
No he isn't. Having discussions about warez is completely legal. Jelsoft can not tell people what they can and can't talk about on 'customer' forums. as long as there is no linking of any sort then he is not breaking the license agreement.
Originally Posted by Zachery
you think that in court you could get away with telling microsoft you were only taking about how to pirate there software and sell it to others?
The only way anyone would end up in court is if they
started to
sell there software. No company can bring you to court for having discussions reguarding priated software. I talked to my roommate today about priated software. You think im going to go to court if the company finds out that i talked to him about it. No.
Like NZS said, you can even go as far as linking members to game cracks, as long as you don't link them to a full priated download of the software.