well, i would learn, if i knew how!
Look at my site, i was a total n00b to all this stuff, and I've learn how to make php and html stuff (
www.indeathwefall.co.uk), but forums are a total new thing to me! I'll need some links and stuff before attemptin to make stuff. also, theres graphics. I'll need to learn how to REALLY use my photoshop! I've got so many good ideas for forums in my head, but when it comes to making them, man, i just dont know!
-I know its a bad excuse, but my school is taking up 5 days of my week, work another one, i just have evenings and that single day to actually work and learn it!
But, if someone could link me to some good tutorials and stuff, it'd be GREAT!
As i said, i only really wanna learn how to make a header atm.