Alrighty, done some changes now... or additions... or something. ^^;;
Anywho, In ForumHome I added a Catagory background that is a thick bar (a background image of 1x19 pixals If I remember correctly), and the forums broken up by a background image of 1x10 pixals. Did that with the private messages and online templates too. In the bottom of forum home there's a table that has the time of almost every country. Should that stay or go? Wondering if it's only taking up space. Also, I'm still debating against myself, should that Chat Box stay, or go in a different page?
Next is Forum Display, I did the same thing as forum home. By adding a catagory background and the forums being broken up by a thin bar.
Assuming that I completed changing the look, I plan to change the next things that could look similar. Thing is I don't want EVERYTHING to look similar, but I suppose I should keep it that way. Anywho, on to the TO DO list:
Calender, memberslist, search, faq.
^Those are the things that are part of vBulletin. On to things NOT part of Vbulletin, such as the Hacks templates:
RPG template (includes the battle arena, and everything in the RPG templates), Store, Slightly change the itemshop; it's ok as it is I think, Definatly change the journal; it looks like's journal (gotta be unique), refer page, and last but not least, the Main Index (the portal) page.
Before I move on to these templates, tell me how it looks sofar. I'd really appreciate suggestions.