Originally Posted by NexDog
We are HostNexus - NexusPortal is our community driven support site. 
Gotcha... no offense but after getting a design from Ceonex why the cheap techskin on the community? I guess I was just expecting your community to be more lucrative
Edit by d2alio:
I use "cheap" in the sense that I'm not a fan of the style and that it resembles the rest of their styles too much. And by 3 months to make I hope you were referring to the entire process and not just the layout, as I would have to say that it wasn't worth the time spent.
Hack and customization wise it's nice, overall style I find to be pretty ugly imo and I'd hope the $1000 custom skin (as stated on techskins.com) base price was not paid for it... but that's just my own opinion.