Thanks for the comments, im not worryed about the rivals, just gives me a excuse to improve the hacks even more. pro is defentally on the back-burner to, I cant wait to see what I come up for with that one, going to be good a asure you because im planing on it to be a paid-release aswell.
Alot of the stuff used to power all this may come out to, all of it is going to be coded from the ground up, Im even plan on the site itself not to use a single table anywhere in its XHTML. It'll be the frist time I attempt it so ive been reading up on a lot of CSS as of late
O yea, if anyone is intrested in joining up as part of the team at s:c fell free to send me a pm. I am intrested in doing some of these in a group effort, the more the merryer

I will also be looking for experanced moderator aswell, but thats all down the road for a month and a half if not more. But if you would like to help out with the upstart feel free to PM me or request my aim handle.
Im really excitied about doing all this, been awhile scence ive had such a desire to create a site based on something other then anime

. Dont get me wrong, anime is still a fav of mine. But I find my self so into web development now-a-days I think its time that I start trying to give back to the community