Badbunny- I think I know where your old netscape friends are coming from. The Netscape Navigator pre-AOL was pretty nifty. It was slim, but easy to use. But then when AOL bought out Netscape they replaced everything and substituted a Mozilla inside and slapped on Netscape chassis. I love Mozilla, but it is waaaay more complex than Netscape Navigator 3 was.
The only real annoying problem I've been having with older Netscapes is from when you embed a table within a table. Say you have a table with a background image. Then in one of the TD cells you stick in another table. Now even though I don't assign that inner table (or its cells) a background, every cell re-displays the upperleft corner of the outer table's background image. The "tiling" looks horrible.
or with macs, when I have a table background image, and put a <IMG> in one of the cells. Even if the the background and foreground images are produced at the same time in the same format on the same computer with the same program, and they may meld together seamlesslly on a PC, On the mac one image is much brighter and stands out. I think its a difference in gamma and how color calibration may be affecting the image and background differently.
If only we could all get along.