Originally Posted by Someguy
I was reading the readme and I saw the part that says not to get too intense with the styling because it will change. Although it said only some templates I'm wondering if all the template mods here are safe to use, even with the new Candiadate and Gold Releases. I figure the 3 "golden" mods won't change (category spacing, category table above forum table and category images), but will the postbit or anything else that you have submitted here? This could be a threat (well, an annoyance) to many members, including myself, because I don't want to rummage threw Category Spacing v2.5 and see people asking why it won't work on vb3 Beta 4.
Yes and no, im sure the modified code will work. But the code your suppose to search for in the install readme will probbly not be there anymore.
It all depends on how far jelsoft gose with the new style, They could just make a new style with the templates there, they could change some template names. No one knows until we see it
