Originally Posted by Tony
-Lovely images. 
-Don't really like how the forum names are in Caps.
-Footer allignment is whack on 800 X 600.
-HR's don't look too attractive.
-Nice postbit. 
1. thanks
2. well, it's been like that for ages, haven't bothered to change them (there are a few

3. ok, footer looks fine at that res here, but it doesn't make that much difference as most of our users are on at
least 1024x768 anyway.
4. what would you suggest instead?
5. thanks, aiming for something different, all the others are kinda generic don't you think.
Originally Posted by Attrox
The forums look great, nice job on the skinning and templates.  I don't have any problems with the design, and the HiveMail looks good as well.
cheers, hivemail still needs some more work in places, along with photopost - that thing takes ages to get right, and we just updated to version 4 after we'd completed the earlier version skinning hehe
anyway, keep it coming, and call on over for a game or two of photoshop tennis / battle and flex some creative muscle