Okay, lets build some statistics about forums here and try to keep it as unbiased as possibly in regards to software. If you wish to participate, please answer the questions below. I will take the results and put them in a database and post the results when I am done. I will also post this on several other communities to get the information from as many places as possible. If others want to post this on forum related communities please do so and forward the results to me. The more information we get the better ideas we can get for making forums profitable and successful in the future.
Number of Members:
Technical Level of Users: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Professionals
Average Age of Members (roughly):
Average Gender of Members (roughly):
Target Audience (be as specific as possible):
Average number of posts per day:
Average number of threads per day:
Average number of pageviews per day:
Average number of new users per day:
Average number of visitors per day:
Do you place ads on your forum?
-- If so average monthly revenue?
-- Would you term advertising viable?
Do you use alternative revenue generators like subscriptions and donations?
-- If so what is the average monthly revenue?
-- Would you term these viable?
Optional Essay Questions
Please give a brief history of your community site.
Describe its original intent and its current goals.
In your own words tell us how your site is successful at this time.
Conversely, in your own words tell us how this site has failed at this time.
Do you want a copy of the file report?
-- If so, what is your contact email?
In the report, certain sites will be used as examples in the online community industry and how they work do you want your site eligible for this?
I have set up an email address at
forumsurvey@metaquark.com for you to send in your confidential responses. All information will be kept in the strictest of privacy.