Originally Posted by Someguy
meh, I though the Gods at vBT would design a design first, then display it, rather then the watch and see technique. At least most of it's blue now, which I want to know why is it purple in the first place? Is that common forum rule? Ikonboard (CGI version) and vB are defaultly purple...
It's hard to design for something your not sure when you will be able to use, if you will be able to use, or how you will go about implementing it.
We were not notified vBulletinTemplates was in the private beta testing group until a few days ago when we first upgraded. I had 0 time to do a design considering I have more than just vBulletinTemplates to run, design for, and maintain.
The reason the templates are not as heavily done as the last template is because of the beta testing, I cannot modify everything, then have it changed back during a style upgrade, then have to do it all over; that would simply take too much time, time that I do not have.
Not trying to jump down anyones throat, but please
keep in mind this is a beta version, this is not final. I can only do so much and that so much is limited to what the developers will allow at this time.