This is pretty interesting to find in this community. I feel I can address this however. I personally have never done marijuana. I have no real issue with the drug. I do drink from time to time, and have noticed that drinking is far more potentially dangerous.
Alcohol seems to be a far deadlier and dangerous drug than marijuana, but we know what happened when they tried to take america's second favorite drug away.
My personal stance is that for a long time we have seen the federal government trying harder and harder to regulate more and more apsects of our lives and take choices away from the individual. And we pay them to do it. Remember the Boston Tea Party? We still have no tax on tea to this day in the U.S. We are taxed for everything else though.
Seems we as americans have grown so content to just take whatever bones the government deems fit to throw us.
Anime-loo, I'm sorry to hear about your shop being closed down. I wish you luck, and I hope you don't grow weary of doing what you feel is right.