Originally Posted by Rose
Aren't they, though? I still haven't heard a good, legitimate reason why marijuana is prohibited. Especially when compared with the real "gateway" drugs of tobacco or alcohol - it's kind of senseless. As the articles point out, marijuana has been proven to medically help people and cause very little "harm" in return (inhalation of smoke is quite obvious) - not to mention the fact that marijuana alone hasn't been recorded to ever cause a fatality.
And no one said you
had to smoke it, brownies take away most any harm it can cause.
Either way there's a reason why it's illegal to absoutely everybody in the US regardless of age. Laws aren't made out of spite.
Acully i remember reading somewhere that it was outlawed because imergrants where smoking it on the job and would work longer hours, ill have to find the artical again but when i do ill post it.