Originally Posted by Manex
i dont agree with that at all. i have a new site planned (portfolio/services site), and i dont have any money for it. i have the hosting, thats about it
The forum you've posted to is a fine one.
Why create YetAnotherVbulletinDevelopmentRelatedForumsSite ???
I mean, bless you for caring to help your fellow vbb developers...
...but personally, I do NOT look forward to the prospect of having
yet another site to find time to visit & struggle to keep current with.
They're accomodating graphics here, right?
I think I've seen posts here showing screencap images
serving as a contact sheet of all images in a skin set, and all the individual files are shared via a zipfile attached to a subesquent post.
I thought that was a really good convention to adopt.
(post1 & attach contactSheet image)
(post2 & attach zipfile)