Originally posted by Eye Kay
1). Hip-hop (not "rap") is the BEST form of music to this date...
Punk is OKAY, but I'd much rather listen to someone letting their emotions loose on a beat with a real nice, clean baseline..
then hear some skroney kid screaming his lungs out, saying words that some of us arn't even sure are words.. sometimes I just think they lose their breath and forget the words at the same time.. Not to mention that 90% of the background music is just clashing, which CAN be good, but usually isn't.
But lets not talk about hip-hop being SOOOOOOOOOO much better then punk, or any foarm of music for that matter.
That site which is running 2.2.7 has been up since 99', and has been using 2.2.7 since it's release, I've never noticed a hack.
Now, as for updating, yes.. you SHOULD do it, but I don't think it's really all that nessicary to do it EVERY tme VB releases an update.
Personally, I don't like doing it, especially because I have to re-install alot of hacks, and 'til now I didn't know there was a program that did it for you.
Download a song by either Green Day, Dashboard Confessional, or The Juliana Theory. You obviously dont know what punk is...punk is some kind of song to a rythem, where the lyrics can make you laugh. Take for instance the sweater song by weezer:
Who i, i think, i sink, and i die! if you want to distroy my sweater, pull this thread as i walk away, as i walk away, watch me unravel, i'll soon be naked, lying on the floor, i've come undone.
Or maybe emo (emotionaly charged punk):
And this bitter pill is leaving you with such an angry mouth, one that's void of all discretion, such an awful tearing sound, with it's measure only equiled by the power of my stare, bearing over you and over you this feeling of dispare.
What you would be refering to (head banging music :P) would be maybe heavy metal, or grunge. Look it up some day :P
Originally posted by filburt1
Rap, by definition (literally), is not music. Rap is just a bunch of retarded jobless losers whining about their lives and bragging about the violent crimes they've committed and stuff that they've sniffed.
You know, your actualy right, rap came from...rap sheet probably lol. a series of crimes in your history... o.o sounds like eminem! XD